Friday, February 5, 2016

Command & Market Economies Notes 8/28

Command Economies
-can change direction drastically in a relatively short period of time
 - many basic services (education, health, etc) are provided for little to no cost
 - not designed to meet the wants of the consumers
 - little flexibility with day to day changes
 - no incentive to work hard
 - no room for individuality
* Communist, socialist, and authoritarian governments are all command economies

Market Economies
 - adjust to change slowly over time
 - high degree of individual freedom
 - little to no government interference
 - lots of goods and services
 - high consumer satisfaction
 - doesn't provide basic needs of the society
 - doesn't provide basic services
 - people are subject to the rise and fall of the market

Capitalism - an economic system based on the private ownership of the factors of production
 - the idea is that without any government interference, the producers will create the goods & services customers need

Features of a market economy:
-based on people's self-interest
 - private property rights  (private property includes anything you own - this includes INTELLECTUAL property)
 - markets (any place/situation where goods and services are bought & sold; for example London, Amazon, Ebay, Ralphs)

Voluntary Exchange - trade where both partners think they're getting the better deal
     - usually a trade of cash for a good or service
     - driven by profit

Competition = different businesses selling the same or similar products compete to get your dollars
    - produce better deals
   - keeps prices lower
    - ensures a better quality product